Our Children and Screen-Time

three children looking at a tablet computer

Parents, do you ever feel that screens are taking over your child’s life? Or do you find yourself using a screen to babysit your children way too often? Do you ever feel concerned about the habits your children are developing in their use of media technology?

I know I have and still do!

That’s why I decided to create this blog as a place to provide practical tips and insights on how to help children and youth build empowering habits in their use of screens and media technology. I believe our children need healthy boundaries with media technology and screen-time in order to live healthy and fulfilled lives.

I see a gap in the world today. A gap where adults, youth and children do not have the tools, understanding, and training needed to develop balance and mastery in the use of media technology. I’ve created this blog with the intent to help fill that gap.

In this blog you can expect to find insights, tips, and principles to help us as parent’s teach our children healthy habits surrounding screen-time. I would also love it if you would share your insight and comments in the comments section below each blog. As the guides and caretakers of our children, we can help empower all children within our influence with the knowledge, experience, and insights shared.

Ultimately, I hope the information you find here will empower you and your children in living a healthier, happier tomorrow.


-Jarom Johnson

Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels.com